So I was surfing the internet and ran into an interesting article. Check out the link HERE for the original article written by the author of www.jeremycowart.com.
Without further adieu, I present you this genius excerpt.
[quote]Photoshoots are kind of like cars.
Photographers are kind of like car dealerships.
People often want me to take their photos for cheap, thinking it will look like the expensive photos I take.
They think I just sell cars and that all cars are the same.
But sometimes I sell Ferrarris and sometimes I sell Hondas.
My ferrari has room in the budget for:
• Me, my eye, my time, my talent
• My gear and equipment
• A talented hair/makeup artist
• A talented wardrobe stylist
• Tons of amazing wardrobe
• Props to build sets along with a talented prop stylist
• Catering to keep my subjects happy
• An awesome team of assistants to make things move smoothly and efficiently
• Extra rental gear. Lots and lots of fancy lights and crap
• A digital tech to run computers, tethering, backing up files, etc.
• Location, location fees, insurance, permits, etc.
• A producer to handle and manage all production and logistics
• A retoucher to “finish” the images… skin, color, hair, etc.
• a fancy web gallery to see everything
• There can be more but you get the idea
My honda has room in the budget for:
• Me, my eye, my time, my talent
• My gear and equipment
• Maybe one assistant
• That’s about it.
Of course I sell cars in between too. There’s a full range of cars.
But next time you have the budget for a beat-up Honda, don’t think it’s going to look like a Ferrari.[/quote]
Las Vegas, NV 89178
Tel. (702) 483-0079
“Photographers bend light at will thus creating art that blurs the lines of reality and fiction.”