The Car | Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera Twin Turbo setup by Undeground Racing
date | 04.20.2013
location | las vegas, nv
las vegas automotive photographer | john afravi
So I had the opportunity to shoot this beast. A Lamborghini Superleggera. But no ordinary Lamborghini. A twin turbo one built by Underground Racing.
The car is black. Black grills, black wheels, black paint…..just a black hole…..the enemy of light in the harshest of lighting conditions.
Luckily I had my trusty Einstein Strobes with me. Firing them directly at the car wasn’t an option. The color black needs to be lit with finesse.
You need to catch highlights in it to define the black blob to create an image that can show this beast in its truest form.
I had to light the Lamborghini’s surroundings and reflect light onto the car. I used 4 light sources. 3 of my Einsteins, and the sun.
Since the sun was over head I used it to my advantage. It basically draped the top of the car with a nice rim light while I tried matching it with my strobes via bounce light.
Unfortunately I only had about an hour and a half to shoot the car and with no assistants, I didn’t have much time to get the shots that I needed. Although I did get to drive it a tad…..just to move it into position of course! Anyways, enjoy!
Las Vegas, NV 89178
Tel. (702) 483-0079
“Photographers bend light at will thus creating art that blurs the lines of reality and fiction.”